Johnson and Roper Qualify ToSeekVidaliaMayor’sPost

Gregory Johnson and Doug Roper, who have already announced plans to run for mayor of Vidalia, were the only candidates qualifying for the race by the deadline on August 26, said Toombs County Elections Supervisor Carey Alligood.
Johnson, a Vidalia City Council member and local businessman, and Roper, a member of the Vidalia City Schools Board of Education and a local banker, have given up their public offi ces to seek the nonpartisan post held by Mayor Ronnie Dixon until his death April 1. Johnson, a native of Vidalia, was elected to represent Ward 2 on the Vidalia City Council in 2017. He is owner of Johnson Roofing & Construction. Because there are more than six months left on Johnson’s term, the City continued from page
of Vidalia will hold a special election to fill the vacant seat on the council.
Roper is a branch manager for Vidalia Federal Savings Bank and has represented Ward 1 on the VCS Board of Education since 2011. He was appointed to fill an unexpired term left vacant by the resignation of Virginia Sharpe and ran unopposed for the Ward 1 seat in 2015 and 2019. The next election for Roper’s post will be held in 2023. The board will make an interim appointment to fill his unexpired term.
The mayor’s race will be held November 3 as a special election in conjunction with the Presidential Election.
Doug Roper