Vidalia BOE Appoints Ward 1 Board Member

With last month’s resignation of Vidalia City Schools Board of Education Ward 1 representative Doug Roper, who is running for mayor of Vidalia, the board was tasked with choosing a replacement to fill Roper’s unexpired term through December of 2023. During a work session on September 8 which preceded the regular meeting, the four remaining members chose to appoint Andy Blount to fill the seat. In the regular meeting, Blount was appointed and approved by three of the members. Ward 3 member Bruce Asberry opposed the appointment.
Blount is a 1992 graduate of Vidalia High School and is owner of Blount Construction of Vidalia. He is also a part-time youth pastor at Vidalia First Assembly of God. Blount was not required to attend the board meeting, but when reached by phone, he said, “I am excited to have this opportunity to serve on the Vidalia Board of Education. As an alumnus and parent of children who have attended Vidalia City Schools, I know firsthand the quality of education our school district provides. I look forward to serving on the BOE. Once and Indian…Always an Indian!”
Roper’s position of assistant treasurer was rotated to Asberry, based on Board policy of upward rotation of positions by seniority. Blount will take the position of parliamentarian. The chairperson is elected by members annually, the other positions of vicechairperson, treasurer and assistant treasurer are rotated every two years. The board approved Dr. Garrett Wilcox’s recommendation to set the 2020 millage rate at 14.999 mills in the Toombs and Montgomery County areas of the City of Vidalia. Wilcox said, “Our (VBOE) charter doesn’t let us go above 15. One thing that most people don’t know is the state allows you to go to 20. We don’t have to have this debate every year about going up on the millage.”
The need for chromebooks for each high school student will be satisfied with the approved purchase, at this meeting, and the delivery of 200 chromebooks from GHA Technologies. SPLOST funds will be used for the $44,368 purchase. The school system is close to having chromebooks for all students to use in the schools.
Plant Operations Director Russell Burkett reported that to date $38,000 has been spent on Covid-19 cleaning and other supplies. Burkett has not seen a lot of waste in the use of these supplies at the schools. Most students are bringing their own masks to wear while at school.
The Vidalia City School System has authorized platforms for communicating with students, parents, and the public. District website https://www.vidaliacityschools. org/; District Facebook – vidaliacityschools; Twitter – @cityvidalia (Vidalia City Schools); VHS Facebook – vidaliahighschool;Twitter – @ VidaliaHS.