Toombs County Employees Receiving CARES Act Funds
Toombs County Commissioners were advised at their September 15 session that CARES Act funding for 170 full-time county employees and 30 part-time employees is ready to be allocated.
Toombs County Manager John Jones told Commissioners that relief funds for front-line employees who have worked throughout the COVID crisis were quickly processed by the Office of the Governor. The County applied for the funds on September 1. Jones asked for consideration of approval of a one-time salary adjustment for the employees. Jones said, “Generally speaking, our employees continued to come to work, continued to do their job, and helped us to get through this (pandemic). Management would like the board to approve this adjustment.” The Commission approved the request. Toombs- Montgomery Chamber of Commerce President Michele Johnson provided Commissioners with an update of local response to the 2020 Census. As of September 14, the national self-response rate was 65.7% and the Georgia rate was 61.1%. Toombs County’s self-response rate was 50.5% with Vidalia at 60%, Lyons at 47% and Santa Claus at 65%. Efforts are still being made to bolster response by door-todoor Census takers.
Jones presented several considerations for approval including a resolution to levy a tax of 15 mills on behalf of the Toombs County Board of Education; a budget amendment for a previouslyapproved contract for the construction of Landfill C & D (construction and demolition waste) closure project; a proposal from Dykes Grassing for additional grading on Benton Powell Road, Miles Road and Powell Williams Road in preparation for previously- approved paving; and additional architectural and engineering services from Hussey Gay Bell design firm for property east of the current courthouse. The Commission approved each of these requests. Jones also requested a consideration of the reappointment of Commissioner Darriel Nobles as a Toombs County voting delegate on the Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) Board. Jones’ fellow commissioners approved his reappointment. County department heads are turning in their budgets and a draft of the proposed budget for 2021 will be compiled and presented to the board at its next meeting. Toombs County received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) award by the Office of the Governor. The $750,000 grant will be used for drainage improvements and paving of Emmanuel Circle and Victoria Circle.