Kiwanis Club of Vidalia Installs New Officers

During its regular weekly meeting on October 6, the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia installed officers and the board of directors for 2021-2022. Sara Stanley Brown was installed as president by Kiwanis Club of Vidalia member and Georgia Kiwanis Division 17 Lt. Gov. Dennis Donahue. In presenting the responsibilities of Brown’s offi ce, Donahue became reflective, remembering Brown’s father-in-law, the late Steve Brown, President of this club in 1990 – 1991, the 52nd recipient of Vidalia Citizen of the Year, and a leader and active member of numerous community organizations. Blake Brown, Steve’s son and Sara’s husband, also previously served as president of the Kiwanis Club in 2015 – 2016. “I am honored to follow in the footsteps of my late father- in-law and my husband as President of the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia,” Brown said, “and to continue a legacy of servant leadership for the club and for the children of our community.”
Also installed were President-Elect Jason Davis, Treasurer Darlene Chester, and Secretary Heather Gourley. In addition, the following members will serve on the club’s board of directors: Dennis Banks, Olivia Collins, Pat Dixon, June Hunter and Greg McKenzie, Jr. Rebekah Arnold will serve as program chair. Immediate past president Daniel O’Connor will continue to serve on the club board for the next year. Vidalia’s Kiwanis Club meets during lunch at Captain’s Corner every Tuesday. Meetings are from noon to 1 p.m. and include a different guest speaker each week. New members, or current Kiwanians relocating to Vidalia, who want to serve their community are welcome to join. Email vidaliagakiwanis@ for more information. The Vidalia Onion Run, the Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR), Cub Pack 933, and Boy Scout Troop 933 are sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. The club’s Bring Up Grades, or BUG, provides recognition to students at SD Meadows Elementary School who raise their grades into an acceptable range and maintain or continue to raise them from one grading period to the next. The Vidalia Citizen of the Year Award was originated in 1934 by the Vidalia Kiwanis Club and is now cosponsored with other local civic clubs. Scholarships are awarded every year to our local youth for further education. Annual fundraisers are the Onion Run in April and poinsettia sales each November.
The Georgia District of Kiwanis International was established in 1919 and has grown to 18 divisions with 150 clubs active within communities throughout the state of Georgia. The Kiwanis Club of Vidalia was organized in 1919, and chartered in 1921. It is the oldest civic club in Vidalia and Toombs County. It is one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in Georgia.
Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. Local clubs look out for their communities, and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as disease and poverty. Kiwanians say “We are generous with our time. We are creative with our ideas. We are passionate about making a difference. And we have fun along the way.”
https:// www. kiwanis. org/home
VIDALIA KIWANIS PRESIDENTS — Immediate Past President of the Kiwanis Club Daniel O’Connor receives appreciation from newly-installed President Sara Brown.