Now I was given a gift by God and I have been a Christian writer since I was 12 years old and now I am 72 and I never write anything unless God anoints me. God through me speaksgreatwisetruths. Sothisnot so wise young newspaper editor refused to use my articles in their paper because I am not politically correct which is incorrect and was designed by satan because he does not want us true Christians to speak truth. Yet on the front of this newspaper she put, “God is saving our nation.” Now, don’t be fooled by that. She did not mean that He is saving our nation’s souls. He can save your soul if you let Him. God does not hear frivolous cries of need just during crisis from unrepented folks. The bible lets us know that God only hears the repentant prayers of sinners. When they repent as is spelled out in II Chronicles 7:14 then He will hear all their prayers and answer with yes, wait or no! Amen! She was talking about God saving our bodies which carnal minds puts more emphasis on bodies than souls which is very foolish because God’s word lets us know that the body is nothing but the soul is priceless. Amen! Now God can bring or allow things to come on folks and He can take it away in His time, way and will. He gives man the knowledge to fight against these diseases but it lies in God’s hands. God is the great healer. But don’t think for a moment that He is more interested in saving your body rather than your eternal soul. He did not give His only begotten son to die on a cruel cross to save your body but rather to save your dying soul that you might have life, eternal life and life more abundantly. You see as Paul said, that if only in this life you have hope in Christ then you are a miserable person. He was saying that our hope is in eternal life and you receive eternal life if you hold out faithful to the end to then receive your eternal inheritance. Can you say amen?