RTCA Holds 8th Annual Trunk or Treat Event

Robert Toombs Christian Academy held its 8th Annual Trunk or Treat on October 29, 2020. This is an exciting event not only for the community but also for the students. When RTCA first held Trunk or Treat, there were only eight vehicles decorated; this year there were 18 vehicles decorated. “This is a great way to get our students involved in the community. Students are allowed to bring in large bags of candy and decorate their cars for community service hours. RTCA students are required to have a certain number of community service hours to graduate, and this is one of their favorite events to participate in. “We are looking forward to making next year’s event even bigger,” states Terri Kennedy, Trunk or Treat coordinator and High School Math teacher.
RTCA students with donated bags of candy. (L to R): Front Row: Addie Thompson and Addison Botelho, Back Row: Kate Kennedy, Nicole Acosta, Mary-Claire Wolfe, Andrew Tuck, Adria Cuevas-Ortes, and Carston Tapley.
Alumni TJ Jackson, Kaitlyn Reaves, Anna Cuevas-Ortes with their Scooby Doo themed trunk.
Amelia Moore with her purple Halloween & Witch themed trunk.