Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“What do Greg Morris and Blake Tillery plan to do about making sure all the new residents being moved illegally into Georgia just to vote democratic in the runoff elections in January will not shift the vote from the real residents of Georgia?”
“Has anyone noticed the amount of garbage on Lyons Center Rd.? If you follow one their garbage or dump trucks you know where it’s coming from. Something needs to be done.” “ Great news about the library expansion including the Ladson Genealogical Library. This is a positive step for our community. I hope everyone will support it. They’re having some sort of fundraising event. I’m glad to see we’re moving into the next stage with those two activities.”
“In response to the person who called in about buzzards. Remember that BLM — Buzzards’ Lives Matter. A buzzard population in Vidalia tends to roost on the cell phone tower downtown. They are an environmentally protected species. Don’t be trying to shoot the buzzards.”
“About the buzzards, we eat turkeys usually on Thanksgiving. We don’t eat buzzards, so leave them buzzards alone.”
“The Toombs County Commissioners need to do something about the trash on Lyons Center Rd. These trash trucks that deliver to the landfill need to be more particular about their trash and where it goes.”
“My daughter and son-in-law prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. I feel guilty now remembering this week’s article about the generosity of our citizens fixing hundreds of meals for our local citizens. I also read elsewhere that 3 GOP congressmen said that they could not work on a stimulus package to help millions of needy citizens and 2 Georgia senatorial campaigns at the same time. This is pathetic.”
“What is wrong with the health department in Lyons? I pulled in there at 11:30 to get a COVID check. They sent me across the street and gave me a phone number to call. I called the number. There were 6 people there under the tents, nobody in line. They gave me an appointment for December 1. Something is wrong.”
“How many police officers have we hired since the chief, oh, I’m sorry, commissioner took office? Seems we haven’t hired many and we keep having shootings. Something needs to be done.”
“The Vidalia football game on Saturday afternoon was a thing to behold. Never has a Vidalia coach put a team on the field that is totally unprepared, as well as the coaches. A teacher has to teach, a coach should have to coach.”