Red Cross Drive To Benefit Local Sports

The 2nd Annual American Red Cross Battle of the Sports Boosters Blood drive is being held this week at Vidalia High School and next week at Toombs County High School. McLendon Enterprises, as corporate sponsor of the American Red Cross Battle of the Sports Boosters, is donating $25 to the Sports Booster program of choice (Vidalia or Toombs County) for each unit of blood donated Friday, December 4 at VHS; or on Thursday, December 10 at TCHS.
Both drives are from 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Each donor can vote for the school sports program of their choice.
In addition to the McLendon Enterprises sponsorship, to increase student participation, Red Cross will be giving $10 electronic gift cards for any donor aged 16-24. The general public is encouraged to donate also.
This is the second year McLendon Enterprises has been the corporate sponsor. They will donate up to $3,000 to the sports boosters programs of VHS and TCHS.
“We are proud to sponsor the blood drive again this year. While the money to the sports programs is beneficial, the blood drive is really important. Someone in the US needs blood every two seconds,” commented Derek McLendon.
Both booster programs are earmarking the donation to the specific sports program of the blood donor. (tennis, band, soccer, wrestling, etc). To make an appointment go to www.redcrossblood. org at the Find a Blood Drive red tab at top of the page, type in sponsor code Booster. Walk-ins are always welcome but priority will be given to donors with appointments.
For more information, please call Biram Chapman with the American Red Cross at 912- 663- 6721.