Vidalia Man Charged With Murder

A Vidalia man has been charged with felony murder and aggravated assault in the death of a Milan resident. Jacob Westly Moore, 27, was apprehended in Albany on December 3 in c o n – nection with the d e a th of John C o r y Gods e y, 33, the Geor- g i a Bureau of Investiga- tion announced in a news release issued continued from page
last week. Godsey was found dead on Milan-Helena Road in rural Telfair County on December 2 and the Telfair County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the GBI in probing the case.
An autopsy was conducted at the GBI Crime Lab in Savannah, and it was determined that Godsey died of multiple gunshot wounds.
The GBI requests that anyone having information on this case contact the GBI Eastman office at 478-374-6988 or Telfair County Sheriff’s Office at 229-868-6621. Tips can also be submitted by calling 1-800-597-TIPS(8477), online at https://gbi.georgia. gov/submit-tips-online, or by downloading the See Something, Send Something mobile app.