MOCO BOE Renews Superintendent’s Contract Through 2023

Renewal of Superintendent Hugh Kight’s contract was among items the Montgomery County Board of Education tackled during its final meeting of the year on December 14.
Meeting in the board offices in Mount Vernon, the board took action to extend Kight’s contract through June 30, 2023, following his satisfactory evaluation. In other business, the board took the following action:
In his report, Superintendent Kight covered the following topics:
Teacher in-service
day on January 4 during for Google training.
Wrestling Duals
Tournament hosted by Montgomery County High School set for January 15 and 16.
COVID-19 reports
remain low and virtual students number 85.
Elementary School
Junior Beta members participated in the Alabama/ Georgia Virtual Leadership Summit.
e school system's
community libraries are being used and books are refilled each week. Library locations include Higgston Park; Robinson/Quarterman Park; Uvalda City Park; and J’mon Warnock Park (Tarrytown). “Higgston Park is the most used. We have added workbooks to the libraries that were donated by Walmart,” Kight reported.
e school system's
Induction Class participated in a Google classroom workshop on December 10. Horace Austin, RESA Tech Leader, was the presenter.
RESA hosted a din ner/talk on December 9 for area superintendents that was attended by six area representatives and senators. Topics of discussion included funding, property taxes and the Teachers’ Retirement System.
Rubber has been in stalled on the school track and painted lines were completed during the Christmas break.
Donation le(ers have
been mailed and responses are starting to come in for the system’s Eagle Academy which is scheduled to open in 2021. “We are writing instructional resource grants for the Academy. Teachers have applied to Donors Choose to cover student furniture costs. Parents’ night has been scheduled for January 13 at 6 p.m. for elementary students and at 6:30 p.m. for middle school students who have been tapped for attendance at the Academy. The event will be held in the MBOE auditorium.
Coach Su(les and
the system’s Hall of Fame Committee sponsored a special Hall of Fame Nomination event at the last home football game during half-time. Nominees were Curtis Ryals, John Marshall Peacock and Mayes Dobbins. The Hall of Fame Committee consists of Tim Suttles, Gabe Gay, Dr. Joe Brogdon, Peter Dees, Zelene Robinson, Johnnie Sneed and Dr. Scott Barrow.
e Eagle riTh
Shop is open one day a week from 1 until 3:30 p.m. Donations may be made anytime during the week.
Basketball and wres tling team competitions have begun.
System employees
were featured in the 2020 Montgomery County Magazine published by the Montgomery County Development Authority.