Montgomery County Officials Sworn In December 29 at Courthouse Ceremony

There was a chill in the air but the sun was bright as several Montgomery County officials took their oaths of office in an outdoor ceremony at the historic Courthouse in Mount Vernon on
December 29. Judge Howard C. Kaufold, Jr., Oconee Judicial Circuit, administered oaths to the county’s concontinued from page
stitutional officers while Probate Judge Rubie Nell Sanders swore in other newly-elected and newlyreelected county officials. Kaufold and Sanders administered the oaths for one another.
The ceremony was socially-distanced and the small group attending was masked in deference to the COVID-19 pandemic. Judge Kaufold explained to those assembled that he had decided earlier to move the ceremony out of the courtroom to the grounds of the courthouse because of an uptick in the number of COVID cases in the community.
The courthouse has recently been fitted with new electronic equipment which will allow court cases to be streamed live since the public will not be allowed inside. The public can go online to follow court proceedings. The judge said that for the present, cases requiring jurors will not be conducted, but he hopes that this may change by February.
Taking their oaths December 29 were: Chad Kenney, District 1, Tim Williamson, District 2, and Ginger Byrd Morris, District 3, Post 1, Montgomery County Commission; Henry Price, District 1, Susan Beard, District 2, and Pete Ward, District 3, Post 1, Montgomery County Board of Education; Montgomery County Sheriff Doug Maybin; Montgomery County Tax Commissioner Loretta Lane; Superior Court Clerk Tammy Foskey; and Montgomery County Coroner Laurie Holland.
SIGNS PAPERS – After she took the oath of office Montgomery County Tax Commissioner Loretta Lane signs papers during a ceremony at Montgomery County Courthouse on December 29. Probate Judge Rubie Nell Sanders provides assistance.Photo by Deborah Clark