Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“We Vidalians should all be ashamed when we see the trash all around our town. Every parking lot is dotted with discarded masks, gloves, and papers. Our residential streets are lined with garbage and even empty grocery carts just left standing. What a reputation to have!”
“I have been deaf since birth and use sign language and lip reading to communicate all my life. This mandatory mask thing is discriminatory and racist. I can’t see a thing anyone is telling me. I’m confident the great new administration is going to fix this issue so that we will all be equal and unified. On the bright side not being able to read lips means I don’t have to put up with the BS everyone is “talking” about.”
“I’m very proud of our governor and secretary of state. They ordered the votes for president to be counted 3 times and suspicious things were investigated. They were honorable and steadfast in standing with the constitution of GA on truth. Thank you.”
“Years ago the democrats were pushing hard to get illegal immigrants on the voter rolls. People who pointed this out were put down. their plan is paying off. Stacey Abrams is grinning from ear to ear because she knows she will be the next governor of Georgia.”
“Has anyone thought to compare the census numbers to the number of voters in these last 3 elections? If there are way more voters than there are people, then something is wrong.”
“People, the speed limit in front of JD Dickerson is not 25 miles per hour unless the sign is blinking. It blinks twice a day, otherwise the speed lime is 35 miles per hour.”
“Why is the DARE resource officer in Toombs County always located at the middle school instead of the high school where he is needed to stop kids from vaping.”
“A shout out to Comrad Lofo from American Post 313 in Vidalia for driving me to the clinic in Dublin. I remain grateful for God and country.”
“It seems like they are really throwing the word ‘patriot’ around quite loosely these days.”
“It has done no good for Meadows to put the COVI-19 vaccine phone number in The Advance. We have called several times to set up an appointment and no one has called us back. Everyone has said the same thing. No response.”
“Thank you, Deborah Clark and Heather Davis, for the article in last week’s newspaper recounting the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Prayers for our country, our former President, and the new administration. God Bless America.”
“Why was information made available about vaccines at MRMC when you leave a message and no one returns your call or provides an update in any form? If there’s a shortage of vaccines, please let us know so we can quit calling.”