Fallen Alamo Police Officer Honored by Point 27

Global nonprofit Point
27tt has honored fallen Al amo Police Officer Arturo Villegas, who died January10 from complications of COVID-19 after a presumed exposure while on duty.
Point 27, based in At lanta and headed by Col. David Dodd, U.S. Army (Ret.), honored Villegas by sending Thin Blue Line Shields of Strength scripture- inscribed dog tags to those officers who served closely with him; and folded flag pendant necklaces to family members of the fallen officer.
Villegas is one of at least five law enforcement officers across the country that died from COVID-19 after exposure in the line of duty this year.
The 59-year-old Toombs County resident died on January 10 in Orange Park, Florida. Villegas grew up in Texas and moved to Toombs County in the 1990s. He started his career in law enforcement with the Lyons Police Department, served briefly with the Oak Park Police Department, and joined the Alamo department in 2019. Villegas is survived by six children and four grandchildren.
Since 2018, Point 27tthas honored every fallen
law enforcement officer, their agencies and families.
Keeping up with the escalated number of line-ofduty deaths has proven to be a struggle for the global nonproflt. Point 27ttis based
in Atlanta, a city where the public outcry against law enforcement continues to ring out.
Line-of-duty deaths in law enforcement have risen dramatically, Dodd said, adding, “The radical turn in some communities against law enforcement has magnified the need for encouraging law enforcement officers and their families, who are risking so much,” Dodd said. “In these days when so many are publicly criticizing law enforcement, we are steadfast in sharing God’s word with them and their families and showing appreciation for their sacrifice and service. We value them,” Dodd said. “I don’t want to imagine where we would be without them.”
Dodd commanded a battalion of the first troops deployed to Afghanistan following 9/11. He wore a Shield of Strength inscribed with Joshua 1:9 next to his government-issued dog tags, and equipped each of the soldiers in his command with a Shield of Strength before they deployed. Dodd said he hopes the scripture on the Shields of Strength encourages these law enforcement officers and the families of the fallen who are making and have made tremendous sacrifices for their communities.
The face of the Thin Blue Line Shields of Strength shows an engraved silver American flag face designed with one flag stripe of blue. The back of the dog tags is inscribed with Matthew 5:9,' Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.' The design and scripture were chosen by law enforcement officers.
The folded flag pendant necklaces are engraved with John 15:13; “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
Dodd served 27 years
in the military. After his military retirement, he
founded Point 27, in 2014,
to share with members of the military and veterans the scripture-inscribed dog tags that encouraged him and his troops. The outreach has expanded to include the Thin Blue Line Shields of Strength for law enforcement officers.
Point 27 has distrib uted hundreds of thousands of Shields of Strength including high-volume gifts in partnership with the national organizations Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS), Tragedy Assistance Program for [military] Survivors (TAPS), Patriot Guard Riders, Carry The Load and the Gary Sinise Foundation.
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SHIELDS OF STRENGTH — Officers who served with Art Villegas received Thin Blue Line Shields of Strength, like those above. Folded flag pendant necklaces were given to family members of the fallen officer
POINT 27 FOUNDER — Retired U.S. Army Col. David Dodd, above, initiated the Atlanta-based organization which honors fallen police officers. The organization honored the late Art Villegas, an officer with the Alamo Police Department.