Spring Signups At VRD

The Vidalia Recreation Department is extending the cutoff date for teeball, baseball, and softball registration. Registration began Monday, January 25, and now ends on Friday, February 12. VRD cannot guarantee your child placement on a team or a jersey that will fit properly if you do not register during this period. The fee is $45 and includes a jersey and cap. Baseball pants are not provided.
Leagues are for both boys and girls ages 4-14. Your child must be four by September 1, 2021, and no older than 14 by September 1, 2021, to participate. The age control date determines the league your child will play in.
For everyone’s safety there will be no registration in the VRD office. All registration will be via the telephone or online due to the rising number of COVID cases. The link for online registration is secure. rec1.com/GA/vidalia-ga/ catalog or if you need assistance registering, please call VRD at 537-7913.
Volunteer coaches are needed for the upcoming 2021 season. Coaches will be required to submit a background check at the coaches meeting. The coaches meetings will be held at the following times: Baseball Coaches Meeting: Monday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the VRD Office, Softball Coaches Meeting: Monday, February 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the VRD Office, Teeball Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, February 16, at 6:00 p.m. at the VRD Office.
Be sure and mark your calendars for Opening Day Ceremonies on March 20.