The biggest “thank you” in ….

The biggest “thank you” in all the world to everyone who touched the life of my precious daughter, Carol Ann Collins, who went to be with our father, God, January 25, 2021. Carol was a “special needs” young lady that loved everybody. She had a long hard fight to exist in this world, losing her Mother, Father and Grandmother who loved her very much. I am not saying it was always easy for Carol and me to adjust to each other as Mother/Daughter, but I am saying I am so thankful Carol came into my life – and so very grateful my other children and friends loved and respected Carol for being who she was – a very kind and loving young lady who loved everyone, wanting them to be happy, thinking of them as “her best friend.” Carol was aware she was “different.” She had many fears such as falling and being alone. I am trying to find a way to say “thank you” to my family, our church family, our many wonderful friends who loved Carol and treated her with love and respect. – Joyce W. Collins
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