Flooding Closes Area Roads

Flood warnings continued early this week for South Georgia communities as days of heavy rain across the state filled creeks, rivers and lakes with water that flowed south.
“I was up at Lake Sinclair over the weekend and that lake is a full bowl of water,” said Toombs County EMA Director Lynn Moore. As waters are released from reservoirs in the north, areas downstream can expect impact, he explained, adding, “It may be Wednesday or Thursday before we start seeing the flooding subside substantially.” Moore said flooding closed continued from page
five roads in the Toombs Central area to the Tattnall County line and down to Highway 147 on Thursday. Toombs County Schools cancelled classes on Friday because of rising waters on rural roads.
On Monday morning, the National Weather Service (NWS) extended the flood warning for the Toombs County area. Early Monday, the Altamaha River was at 79.3 feet and expected to crest Monday afternoon. Flood stage is 74.5 feet. Flooding on the Altamaha River affected Toombs, Jeff Davis and Montgomery Counties.
Warnings also continued for the flooded Ohoopee River. On Sunday, the river reached a level of 18.4 feet. Flood stage is 11 feet. The river was expected to rise to a crest of 18.8 feet by early Tuesday.
The NWS extended flood warnings through Tuesday morning for the Oconee River near Mount Vernon affecting Treutlen, Wheeler and Montgomery Counties. Before daybreak Monday, the river was at 15.9 feet and rising slowly. The river was expected to rise to the flood stage of 16 feet during the afternoon and to fall below flood stage just after midnight on Monday. At this point, waters began to extend into woodlands, pastures and the natural flood plain and crept up the boat ramp on the Wheeler County side of the river. Donnie Daniels, Montgomery County EMA Director, said Monday that the southern end of the county was underwater. “Three Rivers Lane and the Altamaha River Road are underwater and Towns Bluff is water logged,” he said. The school system cancelled classes Friday because of the water hazard threatening outlying areas, but classes resumed Monday.
Wheeler County EMA Director Steve Adams said no roads or residences were threatened by flooding there, although school administration cancelled classes on Friday because school buses would have to navigate rural roads rendered hazardous by continuous rain. Schools were open Monday.