Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Gas prices rose 15 cents overnight. Price per gallon has increased locally by 50 cents per gallon since November 6. Many thanks to the newly elected administration for making life so much better for us Americans.”
“To the young man who returned my little blue wallet to the Thriftway Food Store, thank you so very much for your honesty and compassion. May God bless you. The world needs more honest people like you. Thank you again.”
“I wish that the city of Lyons would fill in that well right next to Luella and Tom’s pond. There’s a big hole and If anybody’s sitting there, you can’t turn in without running through it. And if they aren’t sitting there, you’re gonna run through it anyway. The city needs to correct this problem.”
“I have a solution for this country. First, get rid of all the old demagogues, republicans and democrats up in Washington. Give 50 seats to republicans, 50 seats to democrats, and tell them to hash it out for the good of everybody. And if they can’t, we’ll replace them in 4 years. They work for us, we’re the employers, they are the employees.”
“I think the people working in the hospitals and clinics that don’t take the COVID shot should be fired or dismissed. They shouldn’t be working there if they don’t want the shot.”
“Handicap ramps and entrance into the Montgomery County Courthouse are an embarrassment and safety issue for elderly or handicapped persons to use. The city manager and commissioners need to see how dangerous they are.”
“I’m 65 years old and on Wednesday, February 17, one of the 2 greatest Americans that ever lived in my lifetime died, and that’s Rush Limbaugh. The other is Donald J. Trump. We are going to put Trump back in office in 2024. The move is here to turn this country into a conservative country again.”
“Why does Walmart not have cashiers any more? You can get in the store and spend your hard-earned money. Then you have to wait and ring it up and bag it yourself. Why are there no registers open? It’s hard on us.”
“To the management at Food World, your employees should speak to customers rather than be on their cell phones.”