
Ms. Magnolia
Letters have been edited for length and clarity.
Dear Ms. Magnolia, When I was a teenager, softball was my life. I got a scholarship which allowed me to go to college and become a teacher. My daughters may not have that opportunity.
It is a fact that biological males and biological females are physically different, and the best male athletes have a natural physical advantage over the best female athletes. When biological males that claim that they are females compete against biological females, the females lose the chance for success in their sport and the opportunity to get college scholarships and a better chance at success in life.
President Biden signed an executive order that all schools receiving federal funding must let biological males play on female sports teams. The order was framed as a matter of transgender rights, but it was really an attack on women’s rights. Why should these exceptional demands (not rights) be considered more important than the natural rights of females?
Women aren’t speaking out now because they know they’ll be silenced and called bigots.
Justice and equality and our daughters’ futures are on the line.
Dear MN, You are certainly right. Generations of women have fought hard to make sure that their daughters and granddaughters have a level playing field because girls deserve the same chance as boys to receive the advan –
tages offered by sports. As Ameri cans, we need to constantly remind our Congressmen of our concerns and to convince them of the unfairness of these laws now.
If you have a question for Ms. Magnolia, please mail it to P.O. Box 669, Vidalia, GA 30475, or e-mail to