Suspect Clocked at 160 mph In Chase Across Two Counties

A high-speed pursuit starting in Emanuel County ended in a Lyons neighborhood when the suspect wrecked and fled on foot. The incident occurred Saturday, March 6. Authorities apprehended Anthony Jeremiah Jones of Toombs County soon after he abandoned his vehicle near Skyline Boulevard and Washington Street, reported Major Nick Robertson with the Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office. The chase began at 2:09 p.m. when Jones’s Dodge Charger was clocked at 140 miles per hour on Intercontinued from page
state 16, traveling eastbound near mile marker 85, by Emanuel County Deputy Sheriff Joshua Hall.
The deputy turned on his blue lights and siren but Jones continued to evade him at a high rate of speed. “I clocked the vehicle at 160 miles per hour (traveling) in and out of traffic lanes,” the deputy said in his report. Jones exited the interstate and headed south on U.S. Highway 1, still traveling at 160 miles per hour until reaching the Lyons city limits. The driver lost control and wrecked in a yard in a residential area. He then exited the vehicle and ran from the scene.
The deputy, who had alerted a 911 dispatcher that he was in pursuit of a vehicle, was assisted by the Lyons Police Department and the Georgia State Patrol, which set up a parameter in the area where the car wrecked and located the subject.
Jones was charged with felony fleeing to elude, speeding at a rate of 160 miles per hour in a 70 mile per hour zone, and other traffic violations. Following a first court appearance, he posted a $16,000 bond and was released pending further judicial proceedings.