They say that if you want to know how to raise children and the bible calls them children then just ask someone that don’t have any. Well, that is not necessarily true, but that don’t mean that folks without children are totally lost as to how to raise them. Common sense teaches you a few things. So this preacher said that he was teaching his grandchildren good finance practices and while that is important but it seemed like he was getting the cart ahead of the horse so to speak because his grandchildren sat in church and stayed on their cell phone the whole time. No respect for God’s house and total disregard for their spiritual needs because they can learn to handle and make money and gain the whole world and then lose their own soul the word says in Matt. 16:26. Folks years ago didn’t have much money but they had their priorities in order. They used God given wisdom. Now the children think they are so smart because they got a smart phone that ain’t always so smart. I noticed that he had not taught them the most important things in the world and that was to be friendly and use good manners and to show respect for their elders. None of that was at play with them. They were a little more well off than the rest of the children in the church and yet the poorer children were far more friendly and they did not have a cell phone to distract them. So money won’t buy your happiness, nor contentment, nor a good personality. If anything it makes many a snob and a snide. So what are you teaching your children? If not the ways of the lord then you are robbing them good fashion and I will say amen!