City Council Hires Zanders as New Alamo Chief of Police

The City of Alamo has hired Karen Zanders as its new Police Chief. In an April 19 meeting Councilwoman Patricia Woodard made the motion to hire Zanders at a salary of $45,000 a year. The motion was unanimously approved.
Zanders has been serving as acting chief since January. She replaces Roger Bryant, who resigned due to health issues.
In other matters, the discussions on upgrading City Hall continued. The Strategic Planning Committee that was escontinued from page
tablished in March to aid the Council in upgrading City Hall met again on April 10. Members of the Committee continue to express the following concerns: “the building does not meet marginal safety factors for the employees; the building does not comply with any ADA standards; there is black mold growing in the bathrooms; no usable space for privacy when discussing bills and other private matters.”
In the Council meeting on April 19 these concerns were further discussed. According to the meeting’s recorded minutes, the Committee feels “that a new City Hall will boost the morale of the employees and citizens of the city.” In the Council’s next regular session on May 17, members of the Committee will address the Council directly and report findings and suggestions. The Council called a special meeting on April 14 to discuss the construction of the City’s Recreation Department on East Railroad Street. This conversation overflowed into the Council’s regular monthly meeting on April 19 as the Council debated how much money it is willing to spend on construction. The following updates were proposed: a nature trail, new bathrooms, an updated playground, surveillance installation, a parking lot, gazebos/group shelters, picnic tables, and possibly a fence around the area so it can be regulated.
Although the amount that the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will grant toward this project is undetermined, Councilman Dondrea Geter made the motion that the City spend up to $100,000. This would potentially round out to a total of $200,000 since the DNR funding is a matching grant and the City is responsible for half of the total. A packet of information detailing these proposed updates will be made available to the public at the City Hall.
As the spring season brings about more grass to cut and more weed eating to be done, City Manager Jeffery Floyd, request that the City hire an additional part-time employee. The request was unanimously granted. Job information and applications can be found at City Hall.
The City of Alamo is having a Spring Clean-Up June 7-11 in an effort to beautify the city. Floyd reported that “the roll-off (container) will be located at the City’s maintenance shop and citizens can drop off (and) dispose of anything that will not go into a trash can. Paint, liquids, tires, or anything explosive will not be accepted. Drop off hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.”