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Vidalia City Schools Kindergarten Registration Now Underway

Kindergarten registration for students who are new to Vidalia City Schools started on Monday, May 3, 2021, at J.D. Dickerson Primary School. Hours to register are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The following forms are required for Kindergarten registration: • Birth Certicate • Social Security Card • Proof of Residency – Current water bill, power bill, or lease agreement/ mortgage statement in the parent’s name. If the parent lives with someone, we must have a current utility bill of the person you live with, along with a notarized letter stating that you live with the person at that address.

• Georgia Certicate of

Immunization – Form 3231

• Georgia Certicate

of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening Form 3300 The first three items listed are required at the time of registration. However, all forms must be on file before your child will be considered to be registered for school.

For more information, contact Shawn McLemore (SIS Information Specialist) at 912-537-3421.

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