Dr. Beverly Faircloth Named Assistant Superintendent for Montgomery County Schools

Dr. Beverly Faircloth has been named Assistant Superintendent and Curriculum Director for Montgomery County Schools. The Elementary School principal replaces Marcee Poole, who is leaving the school system at the end of June. The announcement was made during the Montgomery County School Board session on May 17. Eric Burns, current Assistant Principal at the elementary school will assume Dr. Faircloth’s duties and faculty members Leigh Ann Helms and Candace Keen will assist him.
In other business at the May 17 session, local resident Stacey Randolph appeared before the board to make two requests: that it consider moving the public comments to the end of the meeting so that issues which come up during the session might be addressed by the pubic immediately rather than having to wait for the next board session; and that the continued from page
board communicate announcements about upcoming board sessions more effectively.
Randolph also apprised the board of the reluctance of parents and others in the community to attend the board sessions because of fear and discomfort surrounding the issues which contributed to the former superintendent’s departure. “There is not a lot of trust. Relationships need to be rebuilt,” she said. Board members Debra Gay and Susan Beard and Interim Superintendent Dr. Mark Davidson offered to make themselves available to anyone in the community who wanted to discuss their concerns. “We need to keep moving forward, and the parents have to be a part of that,” Davidson said, adding, “We need to have an open dialogue and we need their (parents’) input. We want to do what is right for the students.” Regarding school system finances, Davidson said he believes the system is is in the best financial condition to date owing to sound fiscal management and CARES allocations. Additionally, the system will receive $822,000 in austerity, equalization and FTE funds next year. During the meeting, the board recognized 2020-2021 honor graduates. Several of the 23 honor graduates were unable to attend the board meeting due to a simultaneous athletic awards ceremony across campus.
HONOR GRADUATES – Receiving recognition from the Montgomery County School Board during its May 17 meeting were honor graduates, from left, Kiersten Coleman, Rachel Craft, Lazaria Williams, Courtney Pratt, Vanessa Garcia, Haylie Introcaso, Charlie Williams, Veda Grizzard and Emerald James. Not shown are: Onnie Beasley, Gavin Fennell, Katie Garrett, Ryan Holton, Wesley Hutcheson, Garrett Martin, Gayla Peeples, Shelby Rogers, Cameron Rollins, Pearl Scott, Darrin Truett, Allicon Walker, Calvin Williams and Kelvin Williams.Photo by Deborah Clark