Leadership Wheeler Youth Academy Reaches Milestone

The Leadership Wheeler Youth Academy reached a milestone on May 14 as the graduates of this inaugural program received certificates of completion. It was not the end of their journey—it was just the beginning. Programs like this are intended to guide the graduates for the rest of their lives—as they pursue higher education, make career decisions, and discover ways to be productive citizens.
As program graduate Jaci Hill said in a letter of thanks to the school system for its support of the program, “I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the Leadership Wheeler Youth Academy program. I’ve learned so much from it. I’m excited to see how it evolves in the future.” Hill is this year’s salutatorian for Wheeler County High School and Star Student.
Initiated in the fall of 2020, right in the midst of the health pandemic that closed so many doors, the Youth Academy was sponsored by the Little Ocmulgee Electrical Membership Corporation, based in Alamo, the Wheeler County Chamber of Commerce and the Wheeler County Schools. An advisory board, which included School Superintendent Suzanne Couey and High School Principal William Bell, defined the objectives of the program and who would comprise the first class.
A diverse group of high school students, both juniors and seniors began a series of activities designed to introduce them to the working components of their community and its relationship with the world beyond. The original itinerary included a field trip to the Alligator Creek Wildlife Management Area in Wheeler County and the Georgia Ports Facility in Savannah. While COVID-19 precluded the ports tour, the students went on a daylong excursion to the WMA to learn about this site’s significance in the Coastal Plains environment.
A trip was also planned to the Plant Hatch nuclear facility in Baxley, but because of the health pandemic, a representative from this facility came to Alamo instead to share how this facility provides power to the state and beyond. A field trip to the Glenwood Telephone Company to see how this family-owned company is still providing service to the area and even expanding to offer upgraded technology, was offered as a zoom class rather than on site, again owing to the pandemic. Still, students were able to expand their horizons with these presentations, as well as field trips to the Wheeler-Montgomery Airport, the Wheeler County Courthouse, local government offices, and the Little Ocmulgee State Park, located largely in Wheeler County.
“The intention was to introduce our future leaders to how local, state and federal governments work together for the greater good, the abundance of natural resources and history in Wheeler County, and how they can participate in their community’s prosperity,” said Janice Mock, Chamber President and coordinator for the Youth Academy. The way these students participate can happen immediately, she said, noting that the Youth Academy performed a number of community improvement projects such as refurbishing the Old Police Station building at the center of Alamo. While there are no firm plans on how this structure will be used in the future, suggestions have been made to use the small building as a welcome center, especially during community- wide events.
Acknowledging that although the health pandemic curtailed a number of plans, Mock said she regards the program as a resounding success. She hopes that there will be even more hands-on activities in store for the participants in the upcoming Youth Academy. She has a number of projects in mind, including refurbishing the City’s Old Calaboose (jail) near downtown as a historic site and tourism attraction. There is already a waiting list for future participants for the Youth Academy, and the Chamber is busy planning for an Adult Leadership Academy scheduled to launch next fall.
Receiving their certificates of completion on May 14 were Jae Dean, Logan Floyd, Logan Harrelson, Keleiyah Harris, Jaci Hill, Kennadi McRae, Jaime Mora, Tyquez Smith and Jaylen Tukes.
Guest speaker for the graduation ceremony was former member of the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters basketball exhibition team Larry “Gator” Rivers. As a Chatham County Commissioner and an active member of the Lions Club, Rivers has stayed involved with his community after achieving international fame as a basketball player. He urged the students to embrace every opportunity that comes along to continue serving their community and society in their future endeavors.
THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE — Larry “Gator” Rivers, former member of the Harlem Globetrotters, demonstrates to Keleiyah Harris how to keep the basketball spinning. Harris was a member of the Wheeler County Lady Bulldogs Basketball Team that won a State Championship in 2020.Photo by Deborah Clark