Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Our Mainstream Media love to throw stones. Why just repetitively show videos of law enforcement blunders? Why not show videos from hospitals and nursing homes? Human trafficking and drug dealing? CEOs and congressmen hatching illegal and unethical deals? The masses at the border? We know why – manipulation of public opinion.”
“I have a complaint.
Will you please start having the obituaries in color again? It will make the families and loved ones feel much better. Thank “ Every time I see trash on our streets or in our parking lots, it lets me know that we have stupid people, and there’s a lot of stupid people.”
“It sure would be nice if the City of Vidalia would get the red lights set up at Jackson St. and 1st St. like the red lights at Church St. and 1st St. and you wouldn’t have to sit through so many red lights to make a turn off of Jackson onto 1st. St., the one-way.”
“Do you know the difference between Dr. and God? God never thinks He’s Dr. Fauci.”
“The Biden administration’s one goal is to sabotage America because he’s taking his orders from China. This critical race theory comes straight from China. If our American leaders can do anything, they need to do it now because we are losing our country.”
“I highly urge everyone to read the guest commentary by Vernon Jones about Stacey Abrams, who is responsible for the loss of business in the Atlanta area. I also recommend the article by Star Parker about our government funding abortions. She has a great article every week. Thank you, The Advance, for the June 9 paper.”
“Sunday night the NASCAR all-star race is on. I noticed that Bubba Wallace is not in the all-star race. Can’t imagine what happened.”
“I purchased gas Saturday at Circle K in Baxley for $2.45. The same gas at a Circle K in Vidalia is $2.68. There is something wrong with that picture. Some stores are getting rich and others are helping the public.”
“As a taxpayer, it would be great if the school boards of this area would post their plans of action concerning the installment or cancellation of critical race theory in our local schools.”
“I think it is a shame and disgrace that for two years in a row we do not have flags out in the City of Vidalia on FLAG DAY! Come on, people, where is your patriotism?”