Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“As children we were constantly told not to pick at scabs because they would get infected and not heal. This constantly “picking at” racism is only making people sicker. Of course, that is just what the culture manipulators in league with our enemies are trying to do. Americans need to get on with life being good Americans.”
“Kamala Harris says she isn’t going to the border (which has been assigned to her by Biden) because she hasn’t been to Europe. The American people aren’t paying her to fix the problems in Europe.”
“ Thanks to our local country music station Y101. I’m glad it plays the old favorites and gospel songs, too.”
“If Barney came back and listened to his radio station, he wouldn’t believe what he was hearing. It’s turned into a talk show, 80s and 90s rock show, and I even heard a racist joke last week. Lyons is better than that.”
“As I travel around and see how the price of gas is going up, I truly hope all you democrats are happy because people who are retired are not making any money. They’re not getting these stimulus checks where they can stay out of work because they have reached that age where people don’t want them to work. My wish is that all you democrats would go broke.”
“We badly need a light on Hwy. 280 at Lowe’s and Optim. It’s a very dangerous place to pull out. I had an accident there myself.”
“I have discovered I can go to Swainsboro Walmart, buy everything I need and get back to Vidalia before my family shopping in Vidalia is just getting home. The service in Vidalia is really pathetic.”
“It’s a great plan. Close down the country and the world with a dread disease. As you open back up a little at a time, change the rules and the laws so that when it is all open, you have a different country. Then keep everyone under control by bringing out new variants of the virus and new vaccines periodically. Scared people will swallow anything.”