Vidalia Ballet Sweeps Starland Nationals

Vidalia Ballet’s competition dance team traveled to New Bern, North Carolina, for the Starland Productions National Competition and returned with 14 national championships, 24 Top 3 Placements, 15 Diamond Adjudications and 7 of 8 possible overall highest score of the competition awards. Vidalia Ballet swept the Recreational Level, taking several overall highest scores and overall placements. Soloists Savannah Lee Powell, Ava Proctor, Raegan Corbett, Mandy Johnson, and Marlee Williams took second and third place rankings in their respective age divisions. National Champion soloists were Kyndal Carroll, Blakely Woods, Ansleigh Chambers, and Kylin Miller. Woods, Powell, Johnson, Williams, and Miller all received Diamond Adjudications, which means their scores are within five points of a perfect score.
The team also scored well in the Recreation Duo/ Trio Division where the team of Johnson and Williams received 2nd place overall. The clogging trio of Reagan Blakey, Ansleigh Chambers, and Kylin Miller received a Diamond Adjudication, the Most Entertaining Recreational Dance award, and the Overall Highest Scoring Recreational Duo/Trio of the Day. This number was choreographed by Casey Miller, who shared her excitement after winning the Most Entertaining award. The duo has won once this award once before in regional competition and the studio has won this recognition on multiple occasions this season.
“One of the things we have really worked hard on with the team kids is stage presence,” she said, “I believe many times stage presence comes through confidence when performing and learning to portray to the audience the same feelings you have while performing.” Miller said that the Entertainment Award means so much because it shows the girls are beginning to understand the relationship between confidence, technique, musicality, and stage presence. “To me, it truly does show the growth in the confidence the girls have found through performing!” she concluded. Casey Miller’s choreography went on to win several more national championships for group dances. Her Petite Jazz Large Group— consisting of Raegan Corbett, Kyndal Carroll, Kylie Carroll, Jannie Carey, Savannah Lee Powell, Ava Proctor, Gracy West, and Blakely Woods—took home the trophy for the Petite Large Group division with their dance, “Sugar and Honey.” Miller’s Preteen Small Group Tap number, “Here Come The Girls,” took the national championship for its division, a Diamond Adjudication, and the First Overall Highest Scoring Recreational Small Group of the Day. The dance consisted of Reagan Blakey, Ansleigh Chambers, Kailey Dismuke, Mandy Johnson, Marlee Williams, and Nora Williams.
Miller swept the Recreational Level’s Teen Large Group Division, as her clogging dance, “Southern Trouble,” received a Diamond Adjudication and won not only the National Championship for its age division, but also took the award for the Highest Scoring Recreational Large Group of the Day.
This year is the first year many of the dancers in this routine have clogged, and with the aid of the studio’s other clogging instructor, Kaylee Randolph, Miller was able to take many members of the team from beginning cloggers to a precise and advanced team. This dance included Reagan Blakey, Ansleigh Chambers, Elizabeth Colston, Kailey Dismuke, Justice Hanner, Mandy Johnson, Kylin Miller, Amelia Peacock, Ansleigh Randolph, Marlee Williams, and Nora Williams.
Miller conveyed her excitement about the victories. “With the hard work and determination of the talented dancers at Vidalia Ballet, it is absolutely no surprise that the studio came back 14-time National Champions,” Miller explained. “We have a few more nationals to attend, and I see not only a bright future for our dance family but also a legacy for generations to come.” Vidalia Ballet Owner and Choreographer Jennifer Wooten, with a combined effort from Lazar Womble, also took home a National Championship for a Recreational Level Group Dance for her Petite Lyrical Small Group dance, “Lovely.” This dance featured Kylie Carroll, Kyndal Carroll, Raegan Corbett, Ava Proctor, and Blakely Woods.
The team continued to sweep Nationals during the afternoon Advanced Level competition. Soloists Elizabeth Colston, Kailey Dismuke, Jailee Hanner, and Amelia Peacock all received Diamond Adjudications for their routines. Kylie Carroll, Kailey Dismuke, and Jailee Hanner all took National Championships in their respective age categories.
Amelia Peacock and Kylin Miller took third overall in the Teen Advanced division with their tap number, “There It Is,” which was choreographed by Jennifer Wooten. Colston and Hanner received a Diamond Adjudication and took second in the same division with their lyrical duo choreographed by Lazar Womble. Twins Kylie and Kyndal Carroll took the Petite Advanced Duo/Trio National Championship with their Clueless-inspired duo, “As If,” choreographed by Jennifer Wooten.
The success continued in the Advanced group division, as Envy, a lyrical group choreographed by Wooten, received a Diamond Adjudication and second overall. Large Austin Powers-Inspired Tap Group, “Oh Behave!,” received a Diamond Adjudication, took the National Championship in its age division, and was the Overall Highest Scoring Advanced Large Group of the Day. The number was choreographed by Wooten and featured Reagan Blakey, Ansleigh Chambers, Elizabeth Colston, Kailey Dismuke, Jailee Hanner, Justice Hanner, Mandy Johnson, Kylin Miller, Amelia Peacock, Marlee Williams, and Nora Williams.
Wooten’s Senior Small Group Number, “Something Bad,” received a Diamond Adjudication, and swept the National Championship in its age division as well as the Overall Highest Scoring Advanced Small Group of the Day, and ultimately, was the highest scoring routine in the entire competition. The number featured the studio’s senior company dancers Elizabeth Colston, Jailee Hanner, Justice Hanner, and Amelia Peacock.
Wooten said of the hard work her dancers have put in, “They have progressed so much since August, with many tackling styles they had never done before and still excelling,” she remarked. “Winning national championships is the icing on the cake for a job well done all year!”
Soloists Kylin Miller and Jailee Hanner continued a tradition they began at Starland Regionals last year by taking home the trophies for the Overall Highest Scoring Recreational and Advanced Solos of the Day. Miller competed with a tap routine choreographed by Wooten while Hanner performed a jazz number choreographed by Lazar Womble. The pair has won these awards at the past two Starland Regionals events in Vidalia, but Wooten shares that winning this at nationals is a large feat.
“Most of the dancers Kylin and Jailee were competing against were dancers who had received the same award at their regional events, which means they were truly competing against the best of the best,” Wooten explains. “I am very proud of both the girls and cannot wait to see the great things they continue to accomplish in the future.”
Vidalia Ballet will continue the Nationals season as they travel to three other national dance competitions. The studio is also preparing for the upcoming registration for the year, which will occur from noon to 7 p.m. daily from July 27-29.
SOUTHERN TROUBLE — The Teen/Company team of Vidalia Ballet had a clogging group number for the first time ever this year. Half of the dancers had never clogged before but handled the style well.
OH BEHAVE! — “The Company” tap routine was inspired by the Austin Powers movies and choreographed by Jennifer Wooten. The routine was extremely successful, and was the Overall Highest Scoring Advanced Large Group of the Day.
TOP SOLOISTS — Kylin Miller and Jailee Hanner have both won this award repeatedly throughout the past two years of Starland Regionals being in Vidalia. The girls were overjoyed to win the awards on the National level.
ELATED INSTRUCTORS — Choreographers Jennifer Wooten and Casey Miller had several successful numbers with high adjudications. The pair pose with the seven highest score of the day trophies.
ADVANCED TEAM—The Advanced Team also took many awards and placements. The team poses with their awards. Let to right, front row: Kyndal Carroll, Kylie Carroll. Left to right, middle row: Amelia Peacock, Elysia Coughlin, Ansleigh Chambers, Nora Williams, and Kailey Dismuke. Left to right, back row: Kylin Miller, Elizabeth Colston, Reagan Blakey, Marlee Williams, Mandy Johnson, Jailee Hanner, and Justice Hanner.