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J.D. Dickerson Primary School 2021/2022 Dress Code

Administration has the final decision regarding clothing that may be deemed inappropriate or a safety concern. Students will follow the dress code as outlined below.

• Clothing may be sol id-colored, all over prints, plaid, stripes, or polka dots, including camouflage.

• Graphic t-shirts may

be worn but must be free of inappropriate language, messages, or pictures.

Printed t-shirts will be permitted if they represent the school or school system in some manner. Collegiate/ Professional ball team tshirts will be allowed.

• Clothing or accesso ries that depict inappropriate language or messages to include, but not limited to, violence, gambling, gangs, prejudice, racism, sexual innuendoes, alcohol, drugs, and/or tobacco and is inappropriate or distracting to the school environment will not be allowed.

• No clothing may

draw attention to anatomical (body) parts.

• Proper undergar ments must be worn at all times and must not be visible.

• Clothing must be worn on the right side, be free of holes, tears, or decorative items including, but not limited to, inappropriate writing, safety pins, buttons, patches, large amounts of appliqué.

• All clothing should

cover the body and must be appropriately sized.

Clothing must not be too small or too large.

• All pants must be

worn at waist level and must fit the waist. Pants must not drag the floor.

• No excessive co logne, perfume, or body mist should be used and none of these items can be brought to school.

• Students are not al lowed to wear a combination of attire, jewelry, hairstyle or cosmetics that results in a distracting appearance.

• No tank tops or spa ghetti straps will be allowed. Sleeveless shirts are permitted as long as they cover the shoulder.

• Solid colored or print

jeans and pants are permitted. Athletic pants are allowed if the fit is appropriate. Short pants are allowed but must be no shorter than fingertip length when arms are by your side. Pajamas styled pants are not allowed. Pant legs may not be banded in any fashion. No writing on pants will be allowed. Tutus are not permitted.

• Logos and/or stitch ing on pants or jeans may not extend beyond the back pocket.

• Skirts or dresses must

be at the knee or longer.

• All outer wear is al lowed as long as they fit properly, do not contain vulgarity, or promote any other school system.

• No hats/caps are al lowed except on special days.

• Shoes are required

and must be worn as designed with laces, buckles, or Velcro fastened. No flipflops, cleats, wheelie skate shoes, bedroom shoes, or shoes with heels are allowed. Sandals with a back are permitted. Athletic shoes must be worn on P.E.


• Any jewelry should

be age appropriate. No hoop or dangling earrings are permitted. Only piercing of the ears is permitted.

• Hair should be a nat ural color, unless there is special school event.

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