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Wheeler County Grand Jurors to Report

The following Grand Jurors were drawn for the August 2021 Term of Wheeler Superior Court and are to report to the courtroom on Monday, August 2, 2021, at the Wheeler County Courthouse in Alamo. The Honorable Sarah F. Wall, Chief Judge of the Oconee Judicial Circuit, will be presiding.

The following jurors are to report at 9:00 a.m.: Jerry B. Brown, Martha Regenia Davis, Eric Donell Doughty, Thomas Halcot Ford, Terry W. Fountain, Sr., Debbie Jean Fulford, Dominque Chantae Gordon, Jesse Lee Harper, Tina Loretta Hodge, David Randal Horne, Selena Fulford Howell, Crystal Dale Johnson, Jerry Oran Johnson, Jr., Andrew Clyde Lawrence, Joanna Leigh Lawrence, Devin Andreus Lemon, John Morris Mason, Betty Lynn Jordan Messick, William Christopher Mitchell, Donald Ray Moye, Jeanette Gillis Owens, Martin Thomas Powell, Ronald Veston Screws, Joan Dorothea Shine, Tony Tanner, David Franklin Thigpen, April Mae Turner, Alexander Ty Vann, Kayona Grace Villegas, Shanita Foskey White, The following jurors are to report at 9:20 a.m.: Hugh Edward Harvill, Jr., Autumn Lumley Stevenson, Guadalupe Ponce, Angelia Sue Shyann Drawdy, Britney Jarrell Floyd, Jason Hunter Bridges, William Joseph Oravec, Betty Jean Simpson, Alisa Ann Edge, Linda Faye Clements, Dolly Ida Mae Morris, Horace Moore Johnson, Jr., Jack Jones, Jose Cruz Santiago, Maci Camille Carter, Ashley Nicole Elder, Jennifer Nicole Purvis, Ashley Kay Wilson, James Ottis Green, Khalid West, Stephen Van Horn, Kimberly Darlene Pope, Kasoexomie N. Tillman, Angel Renee Howard, Kelly Crawford, Bernard Harold Horne, Jr., Kewon Antonio Coats, William Keith William, Amy Lacoel Mathis Lopez, and Milton C. Travis.

The following jurors are to report at 9:40 a.m.: Mark Anthony Browning, Richie Charles Floyd, Edward Mackie Ricks, Lillie Mae Henderson, Michele Elaine Register, Alexis Rena McDonald, Michael Lee Poole, Floyd George Dobert, Lindsey N. Johnson, Skylar Elayne Brubaker, Jacob Lucian Barber, Melvin L. Morgan, Racheal Lee Fulford, Hannah Maria Wooten, and Rodney Alan Horne, Jr.

You have been summoned to appear and potentially serve your community on the grand jury. Grand juries play a vital role in the criminal justice system and county governance. Failure to appear as directed may subject you to contempt of court penalties.

The Superior Court has implemented the following precautions to promote your health: hand sanitizing stations have been provided, masks are recommended to be worn, and rooms are disinfected regularly. If you or anyone in your household are infected with COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or are in quarantine due to exposure to a person with COVID-19, then contact your Clerk of Court at 912568-7137. You should also notify the Clerk of Court if you are a member of an immune- compromised population (or are living with someone who is immune- compromised) or have small children but lack child care due to COVID- 19.

You should also contact your Clerk of Court if you:

• no longer reside in

Wheeler County, or

• are a convicted felon

and your civil rights have

not been restored, or

• are not a citizen of

the United States, or

• will be engaged in

work necessary to public health/safety and no replacements are available to fill the position during this term of jury duty, or • are 70 years of age or

older and request permanent removal from the jury list of Wheeler County, or • are a full time student

enrolled and taking classes or exams on the dates indicated in the jury summons, or • are the primary care giver having active care and custody of a child six (6) years of age or younger and have no reasonably alternative child care, or • are the primary

unpaid caregiver for a person over the age of six (6) with such physical or cognitive limitations, or • are a primary teacher

in a home school program, as defined by OCGA 20-2690(C) with no reasonable alternative arrangements for continuing the home school program, or • are on ordered mili tary duty or your spouse is, or

• are physically/men tally unable to serve as a juror (physician’s certificate required), or

• have already served

as a juror within the last 12 months, or

• have another request

for deferral. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §15-12-10, if “any person is duly summoned to appear as a trial or grand juror at court and neglects or refuses to appear, or if any juror absents himself or herself without leave of the court, such neglect, refusal, or absence may, after notice and hearing, be punished as contempt of court”. Said person could be sentenced to up to 20 days in jail and incur a fine of up to $1,000.00, at the discretion of the presiding judge.

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