Recommended vaccines for adults

Newborn babies endure quite a bit in the first few days and months of their lives. Routine immunizations help newborns overcome these obstacles, and as newborns get old they receive vaccines to prevent measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, and chicken pox.
A common misconception suggests that vaccines are only for the young. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that the protection provided by some childhood vaccines can wear off. In addition, some people may be at risk for certain vaccine-preventable diseases due to lifestyle, existing health conditions and age. As a result, it's important for adults to make sure their vaccines are upto- date.
Those who are unsure of their vaccine status should discuss their health history with their doctors. In the meantime, adults should know that the following vaccines are recommended for people of various ages.
Inftuenza: An an –
nual ftu shot is highly rec ommended. Doctors and
health officials indicate
that ge(ing the ftu vaccine
is the single most effective way to prevent seasonal
ftu or reduce the duration
and severity of the illness should it be contracted.
Tdap: is vaccine
contains strains of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). All three are implicated in serious illnesses or death, according to WebMD. Just about every person, young and old, should receive the Tdap vaccine. The CDC says that every adult should get the Tdap vaccine once if they did not receive it as an adolescent. Then a Td booster shot every 10 years is sufficient.
Shingles: People who have been exposed to varicella (chicken pox) in their youth are at risk for shingles as they grow older. The CDC says nearly one out of three people in the United States will develop shingles in their lifetime. A shingles vaccine can protect against shingles and complications from the disease. Adults who are 50 and older should get the vaccine, which is administered in two doses.
polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23): This vaccine protects against serious pneumococcal diseases, including meningitis and bloodstream infections. It is recommended for all adults age 65 and older.
Pneumococcal con jugate vaccine (PCV 13): This protects against serious pneumococcal disease and pneumonia. Adults 65 years or older who have never received a dose of PCV13 should discuss PCV13 with their physicians.
Vaccines protect the very young from various diseases, but there are many vaccines that are still vital to health in adulthood.