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Ms. Magnolia

Letters have been edited for length and clarity.

Dear Ms. Magnolia, I know that many people make New Year’s Resolutions at this time of the year – most of them they don’t go through with, I’m afraid. They say the most popular resolutions are to lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, get more organized, travel more, learn something new, use money and budget better, and spend more time with loved ones.

I think we should look more to our inner improvements, especially right now with the covid and all. My resolutions this year are going to be: be kinder in my response to other people by realizing that everyone is carrying some kind of emotional load, call an employer or manager and praise an employee who has done a good job, be nicer to young children that are sometimes a bit irritating, tip hardworking servers more than I have to, search for something good to say about things instead of complaining, talk to people who seem to be left out of the group or sad, and look for truth and justice in all things.

I’m still working on my list, but it seems to me that our nation really needs to practice a more Christian attitude. Even though some say we aren’t a Christian nation, we were once and we became great. Now where are we?

If you have a question for Ms. Magnolia, please mail it to P.O. Box 669, Vidalia, GA 30475, or e-mail to

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