Public Invited to Participate in Virtual Public Hearing
The Heart of Georgia Altamaha Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging will be conducting a public hearing during the month of January. The purpose of the hearing is to provide interested persons with an opportunity to learn about programs under the Older Americans Act and to provide input on programs affecting older adults (persons sixty years of age or older), those with disabilities, and their caregivers in the Heart of Georgia Altamaha Area. Counties included in the region are: Appling, Bleckley, Candler, Dodge, Emanuel, Evans, Jeff Davis, Johnson, Laurens, Montgomery, Tattnall, Telfair, Toombs, Treutlen, Wayne, Wheeler, and Wilcox counties.
The public hearing is scheduled for January 18, 2022, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Due to the rise in COVID cases, this public hearing will be held virtually at the following link: Join Zoom Meeting https:// us06web. zoom. us/j/83942456161?pwd= THJ4cUpqTVl0a2tIcEh-T-dlNTU0ZUZz09 Meeting ID: 839 4245 6161 Passcode: 802519 Information gathered from this hearing will be incorporated into the Area Agency on Aging Area Plan for State Fiscal Year 2023. This plan will be submitted to the Division of Aging Services, Georgia Department of Human Services, by March 1, 2022.
Time will be allotted during the hearing to receive oral comments. Written comments may also be submitted to the Area Agency on Aging at 331 West Parker Street, Baxley, Georgia 31513 or emailed to by January 28, 2022. If you plan to attend or need assistance with Zoom, please contact Lisa Livingston at the Area Agency on Aging toll free at (888) 367-9913.