RTCA Celebrates 100 Days

Robert Toombs Christian Academy celebrated their 100th day of school on January 21, 2022. Kindergarten students celebrated the day by dressing up as old men and women. They also made a poster with 100 items of their choice. First grade students made a snack mix with 100 ingredients, made hats, necklaces, built with 100 legos, and did a 100 piece puzzle. Second grade students colored a picture then wrote about their favorite memory that has happened at school this year so far. Third graders also made posters with 100 items. Third graders and fourth graders wrote about what they want to do before they turn 100 years old. Fifth graders wrote about their favorite memory that has happened at school this year so far.
Mrs. Raiford’s Kindergarten class dress as old men and women.
Pictured L-R: Savannah Montford, Hadden Barnett, Jameson Turner, Jagger White, Brayson Castillo, Lane Thigpen, Lily Vendl, Kayson Kemp, Kennedy Goggans, and Case Calhoun.