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Differences Between Boys and Girls

Being a girl is tough in this world. There are hundreds of societal pressures and expectations placed on you from the day you’re born. You’re told to smile, look pretty, and work hard. If you’re lucky you were born to a dad who realized any girl can be as a great as any boy. If not, you might have been instructed that a woman’s job was to support a man in his pursuit of keeping his family fed.

Luckily society has moved towards the latter. However, even with the progress we’ve made towards the idea that women and men are equal in potential, there are still biological differences between men and women. This is a truth. A biological truth. One that requires no science lab, PhD, or ivy league education to deduce. Yet it appears that society has forgotten there are natural truths. In a race to prove to one another how progressive they can be, the Ivy Leagues and NCAA have decided that a man who takes testosteronesuppressing drugs for one year has no competitive advantage over naturally born women. (Excuse me cis-women). While I have no qualms about any person deciding how they choose to live their life, I do have qualms with people who take advantage of others. Women deserve to have their own sports. They do not deserve to have someone take advantage of political pressures and decide to flip their sex and suddenly have record success. While there is nothing wrong with a person deciding to live their life in whatever legal fashion they choose, it should not come at the cost of people’s dreams.

Imagine taking out a 200,000-dollar loan to attend the university of your dreams. You’re a swimmer and trying to walk on (Well swim on I guess). You spend countless hours perfecting your craft, waking up & grinding in the early mornings, spending all your time trying to achieve your goals. You think you have a real chance at making the team. You go to tryouts and are right on the fringe. The coach comes up to you and says, “We’re sorry, but we’re going to have to cut you. You were just one spot away.” There goes the chance to complete your dreams. A chance to maybe get on a scholarship. You look at the roster wondering who you lost your spot to? Turns out you lost to someone who started out on the male team and is now on the female team. Someone who still has male genitalia but changes in the women’s locker room. Someone who will shatter records that cis-gendered women set. Women who had to spend their entire lives being told they weren’t as good as the boys. All of this only to be beaten by someone who was born a boy in the end.

Listen, it’s confusing these days. People tell me about women’s rights, but then say that womanhood is a social construct instilled onto us by the patriarchy. I don’t really know what that means and part of me thinks that’s a good thing. What I do know is that any person no matter their race, sex, sexual preference, pronoun, or social status is my equal. But when it comes to sports, let’s not go too far. Let the girls play.

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