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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Evil is powerless if the good

are unafraid.

Ronald Reagan Daniel Chaitin, deputy news editor for the Washington Examiner: Vice President Kamala Harris got ruthlessly mocked on social media Tuesday for her simplistic explanation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The vice president was asked during an interview on a radio show, to talk about the situation in 'layman's terms' and how it could affect people in the United States. A clip of the start of Harris's response, which was not the complete answer, was pushed on Twitter by the Republican National Committee, and it went viral.

“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so, basically, that’s wrong,' Harris said in the clip.

Katie Pavlich, Editor of CNN: Biden ripped for ignoring Afghanistan during State of the Union.

Republican Congressman Michael Waltz, who served in Afghanistan as a Green Beret for the U.S. Army, ripped Biden for the omission during an interview Tuesday morning.

'Zero mention, nothing on Afghanistan. Just, frankly, what a slap in the face to those Gold Star moms, to our allies that we left behind and to our service members who are at some point going to have to go back over to deal with this terrorism problem,' Waltz said during an interview with Fox Business.

Tucker Carlson, host of FOX News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight: Defense of Ukraine's democracy has led to an erosion of our own.

Joe Biden is telling us he will not commit American troops to Ukraine. Biden also claimed he opposed vaccine mandates. So is he telling the truth? Even if he is telling the truth about his intentions in this case, Biden can't see the future. Biden has no idea what will happen tomorrow or next week, much less next year. Nobody does.

Republican Tim Scott represents South Carolina in the United States Senate: Biden's energy strategy helps Putin and hurts Americans.

The problem is Democrats have abandoned common sense. We got the first taste of this administration’s radical environmental agenda when President Biden announced last summer that global warming was our country’s biggest national security threat. And on the day Russia began his invasion of Ukraine, former Secretary of State and Biden’s climate czar John Kerry said that the climate implications of Putin’s invasion were just as important as the Ukrainians losing their lives in the fight to protect their national sovereignty.

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