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VHS Science Students Attend Conservation Summit

Two Environmental Science students from the Vidalia High School Science Department attended the Youth Ocean Conservation Summit. Senior Ashlynn Goodwin and Junior Micah Davis Brown attended the summit held at the University of Georgia’s Skidaway Institute of Oceanography in Savannah.

The summit’s purpose was to learn about current environmental issues, brainstorm and develop community based ocean conservation projects, build skills to successfully lead conservation efforts, and connect with peers and professionals committed to protecting marine ecosystems. Ashlynn and Micah attended several workshops related to ocean conservation. Ashlynn said her favorite part had to be, “getting to sit in a quiet place with a pencil and paper and getting in touch with nature” to draw a sketch of what she saw before her. She said she also really enjoyed holding a horseshoe crab for the first time. Micah’s favorite part was the very end of the summit where they used all of the skills they learned to come up with an issue together in their community and how to solve it. The students’ conservation project centers on teaching the younger generation what marine life animals are getting put on the endangered list and how it is happening. Each workshop was made in efforts to have a deeper connection for nature and recognize the issues we have created. Not only did they see the issues created but they also saw how they can be managed and prevented by starting with simply picking up trash.

The two students were nominated by their VHS Science Department chair William Harn. He describes the students as hardworking, natural learners, with critical thinking skills. This is what made the two great candidates for the conservation summit. The ability to work in a group to solve a problem is important to our next generation and these two students are skilled in that area. The Summit chair was impressed with their work and hopes that the two stay passionate about Ocean Conservation.

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