MoCo 4-H Competes in First State Wildlife Judging Competition
For the first time ever, the Montgomery County 4-H chapter took a team of competitors to the State Wildlife Judging Competition at the infamous Rock Eagle 4-H Camp on Saturday, May 21.
Volunteer Leader Joyce Allen took six youth to the camp for this competition, which focuses on giving participants an appreciation for wildlife and challenging them to preserve this natural resource. When preparing for this event, students learn to identify common wildlife foods, to interpret wildlife habitat from aerial photographs, and to communicate identifying characteristics of the habitats from observations. They also study facts about these habitats and learn the procedures and effects of wildlife management.
Two team members had the 5th highest scores on their respective tasks: Freshman Evan Hardeman for the junior test and Sophomore Bray Williamson for the application of process management practices.
4-H is the youth program of the University of Georgia Extension. The program focuses on helping young people become productive citizens by instructing them in useful skills, community service, and personal development, along with leadership training to develop abilities and attributes for better citizens and leaders of tomorrow. For more information about the Montgomery County 4-H chapter, call 912-583-2240.