Montgomery Welcomes New ANR/4-H Agent

A Montgomery County native has come back home to serve her community. Lauren Braddy Stanley was welcomed as the new Agriculture and Natural Resources/4-H agent for the county during a regular session of the Montgomery County Commission on August 10. Earlier in the meeting, commissioners approved hiring Stanley to fill a position that has been vacant for several years. Stanley was introduced by Cheryl Poppell, County Extension Coordinator for Toombs, Montgomery and Wheeler counties. Poppell told the Commission, “Mrs. Stanley brings both agricultural and youth experiences to the position.” Stanley will begin her new duties on September 1. In 2019, Stanley earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Agribusiness and a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture with a concentration in crop production from Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. In 2021, she earned a Master of Science degree in Agriculture, with a concentration in Agriculture Education, from Murray State University. Her experience includes working as a seed lab technician for the Georgia Department of Agriculture; as a sales and marketing intern at Corteva Agriscience; as an agricultural education teacher at Montgomery County Schools, where she coordinated one of the first pilot elementary agricultural education programs; and most recently, as an agricultural education teacher at the Toombs County Schools where she instructed 9-12 grade students in basic agriculture and floriculture courses.
Other Business
The Commission approved: A public defender services contract with the Oconee Judicial Circuit Office of the Public Defender. Montgomery County’s share of regional expenses is: $6,792.42 for operating expenses; $20,716.42 for personnel; and $1200 for supplemental compensation.
An operation and maintenance agreement with the Georgia Department of Resources for the Dead River Road Boat Ramp.
Authorization for Hofstadter & Associates to proceed with solicitation of bids to perform full depth reclamation and asphalt resurfacing of Fire Tower Road; Authorization of ad vertisement to solicit applicants for the Montgomery County Board of Elections and Registration; Authorization to so licit applicants for the position of Elections Supervisor Job description for the position of Elections Supervisor.
During the last term of the Georgia Legislature, a law was passed creating the Montgomery County Board of Elections and Registration. This measure enables the transfer of registration and elections responsibilities from the Montgomery County Probate Court and Chief Registrar to a Board of Elections and Elections Supervisor that are to be appointed by the County Commission by January 1.
County Manager Brandon Braddy reported that seven months, or 58% of the fiscal year had elapsed, with 84.5% of budgeted revenue collected ($3,963,309.97). At this point, revenue exceeds expenditures by $1,428,047.78.