Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Regarding the train hitting cars in Toombs County. If people will remember the questions asked on your driver’s license test, it plainly said to stop and look both ways before crossing a railroad track. People are in such a hurry, on their phones, having headsets on and basically just not pay ing attention.”
“I work in Vidalia at a business that the train passes by our office several times a day. There is no way humanly possible for you not to hear it unless you are completely deaf.”
“We should be thanking the train company and their employees for all of the merchandise that they haul and put the blame where it should go. On the individuals getting hit.”
“Do not call Altamaha EMC at 5 p.m. It’s best to call earlier or later. They are changing over and are short of help to answer the calls. And they have people coming through the drive-thru window.”
“Walmart in Vidalia does not have the riders for older people. Any other Walmart you go to has them.”
“Hmm, another train wreck. What in the world is going on? If these people cannot see a big yellow or orange train coming, how in the world can they see a school bus or stay on the road looking at 2 yellow stripes on the highway? You wonder how they got their driver’s license. Be safe out there.”
“Strange taxpayer fact: Ezra Taylor Road has been paved for more years than they’ve played softball games on the 2 softball fields.”
“The Toombs County Board of Education has announced its intent to increase the 2022 property tax. They don’t care about the elderly property owners on fixed incomes who cannot afford more tax. Why can’t they add to sales tax so everyone pays? Please, all elderly property owners, be at these meetings. We need to get rid of the ones who are trying to run us out of our homes.”
“To the person who wrote the article about Stacey Abrams, you ask what do you think. I think that anyone who could accomplish that in 1 year, what could she do with Georgia in 4 years? Great job, Sta cey.”
“Come November I’ll turn 70 years old and I never thought that I’d see the day that one man could take a handful of peanuts and lead 18 million elephants off a cliff. Please wake up, Republicans, please wake up.”
“Shout out to the folks at the little hardware store down the road. I went to the big box building supply stores looking for 3 common items. They didn’t have any of it. Andy’s in Lyons had everything I needed plus they were helpful, knowledgeable and courteous. Thank you.”