Recycle for Sight: - Lions Place Eyeglasses Collection Boxes in Lyons

Recycle for Sight:
The Lyons Lions Club has participated in the Lions International Recycle for Sight Program for many years by collecting used eyeglasses and delivering them to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse located in Chamblee. The Georgia Lions Lighthouse is an official Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center and it is there that the glasses are sorted and processed and then distributed to optical missions around the world.
To help with the collection process, members of the Lyons Lions Club recently placed six new brightly-painted collection boxes at various businesses in Lyons. The boxes were built and painted by Toombs County High School students.
Members of the community are encouraged to bring their used eyeglasses and place them in one of these conveniently placed collection boxes. Prescription and nonprescription glasses such as reading glasses and sunglasses as well as broken frames and loose lens are accepted. In addition to glasses, used hearing aids are also collected.
The new collection boxes are located at Allcare Pharmacy, Chatters, Gordy Enterprises, Lyons City Hall, Thriftway and on SW Broad Street between Scoops and Hardware Pizza.
CHECKING DONATIONS — Lyons Lions Club President Lucretia Nobles and Eyeglass Recycling Chairman, Lion Helen Harris check the collection box located at Chatters for any eyeglasses that have been dropped off.