Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“It’s a good thing the migrants sent to Martha’s Vineyard didn’t end up at Chappaquiddick, they might have drowned there.”
“Pastors of all religious beliefs have a responsibility to protect their sheep from the ‘wolves (bad laws?) that would devour them.’ Pastors should make sure that their congregations know all sides of the issues at stake in their country today as they relate to the principles of the faith they should live by. Then these pastors should assist their members (and any others) in getting to the polls to vote.”
“In last week’s Letter to the Editor, a lady from North Carolina rebutted the story by writer Makaylee Randolph concerning the Methodist Church issue. The lady qualified herself as the daughter of a Methodist preacher and as a United Methodist member, but what qualifications does she have to decide what is good journalism? From reading the story you can tell the writer did her research including interviews with church officials.”
“I’d like to know, with all of these drug treatment programs that seem to be popping up around here, why our drug problem is worse that it has ever been in history.”
“I’d appreciate it they would look into the pothole on Adams Aimwell Rd. before somebody gets a flat tire or has a wreck. The more it rains, the bigger it’s getting.”
“I read in Your Mind on Line about someone complaining about Washington St. in Lyons. The city needs to definitely do something about it. It’s got potholes all in it and it’s a rough ride. I agree, that street needs to be repaired.”
“Today I went to the lower part of Lyons City Cemetery to place flowers and I was appalled at how sorry that part of the cemetery looks. Knee-high grass, weeds everywhere, and the driveways are washed out. Somebody needs to do something about it. It is pitiful.”
“The Walmart store in Vidalia has 1 handicapped scooter for older people who need it. They are not doing a good job helping the handicapped people. They need to improve.”