Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Raphael Warnock harps on Herschel Walker’s marital problems, but Herschel Walker and his ex-wife have interviewed publicly and written a book about their problems, and Herschel is a spokesperson about mental illness to help others. However, Raphael Warnock has much to hide as he has been accused of child abuse, driving over his wife’s foot, and has had his divorce papers legally sealed.”
“Blacks are only 31% of the population in Georgia, but Stacey Abrams aims her ads specifically at Black women. But there are also Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans and others here. Shouldn’t someone who says she wants to be governor be concerned about all the people equally?”
“Some people say that they don’t like the candidate in their party and will not vote for him, but who also refuse to vote for the other candidate because of his party. They are taking the coward’s way out so that they can blame everyone else for the way the government is run.”
“See there, I told you … gas prices dropped to $2.83 per gallon, still $1.00 higher than when the other administration was in office, but this week the price of a gallon of gas is back up to $3.12 per gallon.”
“Please vote! Don’t sit at home thinking your vote does not count. Make the effort to vote. Gas at $3.00 per gallon, a head of lettuce $2.99, a pint of whipping cream $ 5.69. What??? It’s ridiculous! Uncle Joe and his group of idiots in the White House have got to go!”
“A big shout out to the Chamber for doing a great job with the annual Business Expo. It is a fun event that involves the community and it’s good for local business.”
“Polls can be very deceiving. Please get out and cast your ballot. We must beat the Atlanta mob in the upcoming election.”
“Just one question: why are the tag office employees at the court house crawling through the windows instead of going through the front doors in the morning?”
“Why was Christian Walker so close to his dad Herschel Walker when they campaigned together for President Trump in 2018? They seemed so tight, they seemed to love each other so much. Who got to Christian to turn him against his dad?”
“Since Herschel Walker has no political career to attack, all the democrats can do is attack his personal life. So that means that if you or I was to try to run for office, you had better be sure your personal life is squeaky clean because they will be coming after you.”
“Walmart, can you please cut that outside music off? I live near you and I am tired of listening to it. Vidalia, don’t you have a city ordinance against noise? If so, Vidalia Walmart is violating it.”
“We know now the Atlanta Braves will not repeat their world series championship, and the GA Bulldogs may not repeat their national championship, and the Vidalia Indians may not repeat their state baseball title. Someone had said they probably would, but they may not. Food for thought.”
“When people can find fentanyl on the streets quicker than they can find baby formula in the stores, America is in trouble and in very bad shape.”