- VFD Paints the Town Pink For Cancer Awareness

By Makaylee Randolph Staff Writer mrandolphadvance@gmail.com
The Vidalia Fire Department (VFD) painted three downtown fire hydrants pink on Tuesday, October 11, in acknowledgement of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The department is encouraging all cancer survivors and fighters to sign the hydrants in an act of unity.
The pink hydrants, which are located along Jackson Street, have sharpies tethered to them, allowing the public to sign the utility with ease. Chief Brian Sikes also emphasized that this action is not merely for Breast Cancer Awareness, but for all types of cancer. “We are doing this as a way to bring people together within the community, and to remind them that no one is alone in their struggle,” Chief Brian Sikes commented. “We plan to leave these hydrants painted with the signatures until the end of the year or until it all fades away.”
Sikes said that this action is one of many planned events for the VFD this month, as the firefighters are working on finalizing plans with several local restaurants to host “Eat With The Firefighters” nights, which will raise money for cancer awareness. Business owners have agreed to donate proceeds from these nights to this cause. These events will be announced within the next week.