Wheeler Man Charged In Glenwood Vandalism

A Wheeler County man has been arrested and charged on 16 counts in connection with a rash of vandalism that occurred in Glenwood in the early morning hours of October 17. Michael Deshaun Williams of 68 N. Fourth Street, Glenwood, was arrested by the Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) on October 20. He was incarcerated in the Wheeler Co u n t y Jail on 3 counts of Criminal Inter ference with Governm ent Property and 13 counts of Criminal Damage to Property.
Chief Deputy Richie Floyd said the WCSO was called to Glenwood around 7:20 a.m. October 17 after damage was reported at City Hall. Law enforcement discovered damage to four other buildings downtown.
Glenwood Mayor G.M. Joiner said the damage was “strictly vandalism.” He said, apparently officers found no evidence of burglary or theft. Deputy Floyd asked that anyone with information about the incident to call the WCSO at 912-568– 7151.