MoCo Middle/High School FFA Successful at the Georgia National Fair

Montgomery County FFA competed in several project areas at this year’s Georgia National Fair in Perry, GA October 4 -14.
With supervision from their Advisors, Brittany Braddy and Nicole Smith, every student that entered a project placed and received a ribbon.
In the Agricultural Mechanics Project area, Landen Colson placed 1st with his pallet table he built. Alex Cervantes placed 3rd with his wooden Christmas tree, and Cristal Santiago placed 3rd with her minecraft flower made out of wooden blocks. Torion Smith placed 3rd after entering his leaf platter made out of concrete. In the Mini Booth Exhibits the following students placed 3rd: Kiley Lynn, John Corum, Lyric Thomas, Taliyah Jackson, Gracie Hopkins, Shayna Hasty, Karmin Johnson, Caylon Crews, Macy Mosely, Hartley Williamson, Natalie Hardeman, Lily Tatum, Isla Fussell, Traven Rawling, Fletcher Thomas and Zaryrion Lawson.
In the silk floral design category, Tatum Williams placed 1st with her boho themed floral design and Ellabelle Conner placed 2nd.
In the live floral design category, Calli Rogers placed 2nd and Kyleigh Jackson placed 2nd.
Mrs. Smith’s Basic Agriculture Class entered a Forestry Education Booth and placed 2nd.
Mrs. Braddy’s Basic Agriculture Class entered a School Greenhouse Education Booth and received the Reserve Grand Champion Ribbon.
Senior Mason Connell and Freshman Luke Burns exhibited their swine in the livestock show and brought home 3rd, 4th, 7th and 9th place ribbons.
Congratulations to our Montgomery County FFA Students!
Montgomery County FFA Students attend the Georgia National Fair.
(L) Landen Colson and (R) Mrs. Smith with his 1st place table,
Cristal Santiago placed 3rd with her agriculture mechanics project.
(L) Macy Mosley and (R) Hartley Williamson took 3rd place with their mini booth.