Toombs County 4-H’ers Take Top Honors at Southeast District Cotton Boll and Consumer Jamboree

In the midst of today’s economy, everyone is interested in making the most of their money. Toombs County 4-H’ers recently completed a series of workshops dealing with making wise consumer choices. Through these workshops, youth learned to be financially literate, making money work for them by making wise financial decisions. The youth then put the skills they had learned into action as they participated in the 2022 4-H Cotton Boll and Consumer Jamboree on November 3, 2022, at the Toombs County Agricenter. At the contest, youth judged 4 classes of items, “shopping” for the best deal. Members also had to give a short presentation about the importance of cotton to Georgia. Juniors gave a short commercial, and seniors presented a 90-second public service announcement. Sixteen counties from Southeast Georgia attended the event. Toombs County 4-H entered 2 teams consisting of 7 high school and 5 middle school youth. The senior or high school team placed second overall with the 4 high individuals advancing to the state contest in December. Advancing to the state contest are Riya Patel, Bailey Hutchins, Grace Holt and Kingston Ryals. Rounding out the first place team were MaryLaura Tippett, Tami Gonzalez and Brittney Bryant. Riya Patel placed 5th overall, and Grace Holt placed 7th overall at the event. Bailey Hutchins and Kingston Ryals placed in the top 20. Bailey Hutchins was also awarded 2nd place overall for her cotton PSA. The junior or middle school team was composed of first year team members Daniel Cerrillo, Haylee Doyle, Ansleigh Edwards, Tiera Shaw and Kandise Tootle. According to the coaches, “Our Junior team placed 7th and did really well!” Tiera Shaw placed 9th overall for the event. Kandise Tootle received 3rd place individually for her cotton PSA.
The teams were coached by Cheryl A. Poppell, 4-H Coordinator. The Cotton Boll and Consumer Jamboree is sponsored by the Georgia Cotton Commission and the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension.
For more information about 4-H in Toombs County, contact the County Extension Office at 5263101. UGA Extension offers educational programs, assistance and materials to people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability.
TRUNK OR TREAT — Robert Toombs Christian Academy’s National Honor Society and Beta Club held its 10th Annual Trunk or Treat on October 27, 2022. When RTCA first held Trunk or Treat, there were only eight vehicles decorated; this year there were 21 vehicles decorated. “This is a great way to get our students involved in the community. Students are allowed to bring in a certain number of large bags of candy and decorate their cars for community service hours. RTCA students are required to have a certain number of community service hours to graduate, and this is one of their favorite events to participate in. We are looking forward to making next year’s event even bigger,” states Terri Kennedy, Trunk or Treat coordinator and High School Math teacher. L to R: National Honors Society and Beta Club members Meredith Durden, Hannah Williams, Railee Thomas, Ella Newton, Maddie Joyner, Kylie Acosta, Justin Bowers, Jacob Sanford, Bishop Lampp, TJ Stanley.