Graham, McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Graham announce the en –
gagement and forthcom – ing marriage of their daughter, Kara Ansley Graham, to Derek Ben McDonald, son of Sharon McDonald of Lyons and the late David McDonald.
Ms. Graham is a 2014 graduate of Toombs County High School and a 2018 graduate of Arm – strong State University, where she earned a B.S. degree in Nursing. In 2022 she also earned an MSN from Walden Uni – versity. She is employed as a Nurse Practitioner at Accordia Urgent Care.
Mr. McDonald gradu – ated from Toombs County High School and later earned an Industrial Elec – tronics degree from Southeastern Technical College. He is currently employed with Southern Company as an I& C Technician.
The wedding is planned for Saturday, De – cember 3, 2022, at 3:30
p.m., at Tybee Island.
After a honeymoon trip to Aruba, the couple will continue to reside in Lyons.