Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“People who voted democrat looking for student loan forgiveness now know they were scammed by Warnock/Biden. The only way to begin to return this country to energy independence and to curb inflation and crime is to vote in a 50/50 Senate. Please vote for Herschel Walker in the runoff to get the 50/50 split.”
“A big congratulations to Ms. Sue and the City of Santa Claus. I attended the tree lighting service last week and it was really wonderful. Thanks, City of Santa Claus.”
“I just love the Eric Erickson Show. He reminds me so much of the late great Rush Limbaugh. I even have a friend that hates him, but he still listens to him every day.”
“Amber, I enjoy your articles. Nice to read of some good news. Happy for you all. Keep us posted.”
“Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas this year is for Herschel Walker to be elected U.S. Senator next Tuesday, December 6. Thank you, Santa.”
“Explain this. How can the black rapper, formerly Kanye West, now known as Ye West, and Nick Fuentes be authentic white supremacists? Come on, y’all, give me a break.”
“Attention Georgians, we need to vote for the right leader to save our nation and Georgia. Our country is going toward communism and will end up under the control of China. Please vote, not so much for the party, but the leader that will help stop the crisis at the border, crime, and inflation. God bless America, and God save Georgia from communism.”
“To the caller who complained about Eric Erickson on WVOP, I disagree that he should be taken off the air. He has a good message, and our minds should be open to all opinions.”
“Herschel Walker is being described as a key player in a Republican congressional firewall against President Biden’s legislative agenda. Let’s all make sure he’s part of the team. Vote!”
“OK folks, keep in mind the only qualifi – cation required to be a judge is a law degree. You don’t have to be competent, you don’t have to possess integrity or character, or be honest, or have common sense, all it takes to be a judge is a law degree.”