Have a Healthy Christmas!

Resolutions can be made at any age. Seniors who may feel that they are past the point in life where trying something new or setting goals is relevant to them can reconsider, as it's never too late in life to have aspirations big or small.
The golden years may be different from any other period in a person's life, but seniors can still embrace making positive changes. In fact, according to studies by Rush University, people who view life with a sense of purpose are two to four times less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. The following are some potential resolutions for seniors.
Focus on safety. Aging sparks certain changes to the body and mind. Recognizing that you can't do all of the things you did when you were younger doesn't mean there aren't ways to improve upon those things you can do, especially if you make some safety-minded tweaks. Resolve to improve home safety, such as removing tripping hazards, installing grab bars, checking smoke alarms, and installing a security system.
Find new and enjoyable workouts. e ex – ercise routines you engaged in just a few years ago may no longer suit your physical abilities or interests. Investigate new fitness regimens or methods of movement. Tai chi, yoga, water aerobics, walking clubs, and more can be incorporated into your daily habits.
Organize medical records. Seeing health pictured systematically and clearly can help you stay on top of appointments and wellness measures. There are many different organizing systems to embrace; find one that works for your needs.
Declu(er your home. Resolve to get rid of extraneous items that are no longer serving a pur pose beyond collecting dust. Having more room to move around can be safer, particularly if you need a cane or another assistive device, and there will be less to clean if you remove some clutter. If you plan to downsize soon, clearing clutter can make the move easier.
Learn something new. A language, skill, or hobby are all within reach when you map out the steps to achieving your goal.
Make new social connections. Caring Plac es senior communities indicates socially active older adults have better cognition and lower risks for depression than those who do not consistently reach out to friends. Aspire to make some new companions or to get back in touch with those you haven't spoken to in some time.
Seniors can focus on key resolutions to make positive changes for the future.