RTCA Leo Club Holds Induction

Robert Toombs Christian Academy's Leo Club held its installation of officers and induction of new members Tuesday evening, November 29, in the RTCA gymnasium. The Leo Club is sponsored by the Lyons Lions Club, and several Lions were present for the ceremony.
Lion Jason Hall conducted the installation and induction ceremonies. Hall was president of Lyons Lions Club when the RTCA Leo Club was organized and was instrumental in its creation. Lion Larry Griggers, District 18 N Vice District Governor, and Lion Lucretia Nobles, President of the Lyons Lions Club, assisted in the presentation of certificates and pins to the new members of the club.
The 2022-2023 slate of officers include Leo Addie Thompson as President, Leo Caroline Thompson as Vice-President, Leo Aly Brown as Secretary, Leo Nicole Acosta as Treasurer, and Leos Emmie Lynn, Amily Mixon, and Mary-Claire Wolfe as Directors.
The RTCA Leo Club is very active in service, having already sent handmade cards to the Savannah Children's Hospital for childhood cancer patients, donated LEGOS to be distributed to children in hospital, and raised over $500 for Diabetes Awareness. They are currently sponsoring a food drive at RTCA that will be donated later this month to those in need.
Forty RTCA high school students are members of the RTCA Leo Club which is advised by Mrs. LaRee Findley.